The previous Phase I Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) into National Policies, Strategies and Programs in Ethiopia was implemented from 2014 to April 2019. This the Second phase related to the first phase of the project is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) under overall coordination of BVAT. The EOA Initiative is a continental undertaking implemented under the guidance and oversight of the African Union (AU) chaired Continental Steering Committee. Like in the other EOA implementing countries in Africa It’s designed to establish an Ethiopian organic platform, based on available best practices and to develop sustainable organic farming systems. The initiative embraces holistic production systems that sustain the health of soils, ecosystems and people.
The overall goal of the initiative is to contribute to mainstreaming of Ecological Organic Agriculture into national agricultural production systems by 2025 and to improve agricultural productivity, food security, access to markets and sustainable development in Ethiopia.
SDC-BVAT Project is implemented along selected value chains in which the CLO and PIP’s have been operating. This will foster synergy and experiential sharing among implementers
Action Plan and Strategic Plan has five objectives which are:
1) To improve quality of life for all households in EOA implementing regions by mainstreaming ecological organic agriculture practices and technologies into the national agricultural systems;
2) To avail information and knowledge needed by EOA value chain actors through demand driven, multi-disciplinary, gender sensitive, participatory research and repositories;
3) To enhance adoption of EOA technologies and practices through systematic dissemination of research and experience-based information, knowledge and training of value chain actors;
4) To substantially increase share of quality organic products at local, national, regional and international markets through value chain development and market strengthening; and
5) To enhance structured management and governance of EOA through coordination, networking, advocacy, multi stakeholder platforms and capacity building leading to positive changes in agricultural systems in Ethiopia